The christmas festival is being organized for the 35th time in 2018, this time there will be 110 dancer and musician from abroad and inland. Almost 250 people could enjoy the two and a half hour long show, in which every age group was on the spot – with navity play, singing, dancing and playing music. The event was even the introducing of the FOLKcoolTOUR project (Folklore and Culture as Touristic Attractions – Hidden Values and Treasures, HUSRB/1602/31/0154) to the audience. The project takes place between 2018. 01. 01 and 12. 31 with the assistence of the Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia Programme. Its aim is to convert folk traditions and folk art (music, dance, handicraft, etc.) as well as the programs and events in connection with those into a significant, cross-border turistic attraction, developing the folklore into an attraction in long term. The part of the project is the developing of the Saint Sava Community Center in Deszk as well as the processing of the former generations’ written memories.